5 Star Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Our Client had natural level 7/8 hair meaning she was naturally very fair ( a natural blonde )
Previously she had always been lighter than her natural through highlighting …. however she fancied a change during lockdown and box-dyed her own hair red !
Today this client underwent a 6 hour transformation with TWO staff members ?!?
Stage 1 = Bleaching stage
TWO staff members (Chantelle and Emily) did a full head of foils. Every strand of hair was put into foil and lightened with bleach…. this stage alone took 2h 30 mins !!!!! Also, around 10 bowls of bleach were used !!
Stage 2 = Development stage
Emily had to stay with client and rinse the hair as soon as each section had reached its maximum lifting time
Stage 3 / 4 = Smudge root + toner
Emily applied a smudge root to the hair to darken the clients natural regrowth and blend the darker red root. She also applied a toner to the mid-lengths and ends of the hair to darken and cool the hair. Creating a clean looking blonde
Stage 5 = Blowdry and styling
By Emily
The client being a natural blonde made this whole process possible! The darker your hair naturally the more red undertones you have.
Meaning when the hair was lifted the girls were only lifting the red pigment put into the hair by the Box colour … the did NOT have to lift out underlying red tone. Making the transition from red – blonde easier!
Please book in for a consultation if you are looking for a similar transformation to see if this is possible for you!
💷 Costing £300 for this Full Service due to the time and amount of products we had to use today. Think twice before you Box Dye
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